Ormond Beach
Beer Tasting Society
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Ayinger Oktober Fest Märzen
(it's pronounced MARE-tsin)
Ayinger Brewing Co. Germany
Has a nice amber color.
Aroma is malty, caramel, bread, dried fruits balanced with floral hops. Its thick body is not overpowering.
Nice finish with a hint of spiced bitterness.
ABV - 5.8 %
Schnickelfritz Weissbeer Ale
Urban Chestnut Brewing Co.
St. Louis MO
The unmistakable characteristics
of this Bavarian Weissbier are achieved with a yeast that is decidedly fruity and somewhat spicey.
Notes of clove, nutmeg or even vanilla aromas and flavors.
Clean and crisp, a good summer beer.
ABV - 5.0 %
Abita Mardi Gras Bock
Abita Brewing Co. Covington LA
Brewed with caramel malts and German Perle hops. It is similar to German Maibocks with its rich malt flavor and full body.
Sweet for a bock, but not TOO sweet.
Pours a rich creamy head, and has a nice easy finish.
ABV - 6.5 %
Southern Tier Irish Cream Stout
Southern Tier Brewing Co.
Lakewood NY
Notes of vanilla beans, fresh ground coffee, and Irish whiskey with a rich creamy finish.
Dark malts combine with a subtle balance of hops to create a flavorful dark ale.
ABV - 5.8 %
Sam. Smith's Winter Welcome Ale
Samuel Smith England
Deep amber color . Bouquet was a pleasant mix of toffee, plum, bread and earthy notes of medium strength.
Malty taste with a slightly fruity character.
A full bodied, nicely flavored beer.
Very drinkable.
ABV - 6 %
Cliff Claven Red Ale
Swan Brewing Co. Lakeland FLA
A delicious blend of caramel and hoppy flavors, with a clean and dry finish. Pours a nice head that bubbles down quick.
Dark for a red ale, but not too dark. Excellent, for a red.
A nice, easy drinking red ale.
ABV - 5.1 %
Brown Sugar Brown Cow Mocha Brown Ale
Southern Tier Brewing Co. Lakewood NY
A mocha brown ale brewed with chocolate, vanilla, brown sugar and Colombian coffee.
Sweet, but not TOO sweet. It's very easy on the hops as well. Pours a rich creamy head, and has a wonderful vanilla nose.
ABV - 6.6 %
Great Punkin Spice Imperial Brown Ale
Pontoon Brewing Co. Atlanta GA
This Imperial Brown Ale is chocked full of real pumpkin, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, vanilla.
A good balance of flavors.
It's a solid brown ale.
Sweet, creamy and as basic as they get.
ABV - 8.0 %
3 Mavins Amber Lager
3 Mavins Brewing Co.
Lauderdale Lakes FL
It pours a beautiful deep golden color, and carries a rich, malty aroma.
The beer itself is pretty solid.
A nice balance of toasted malts, with a biscuit sweetness, along with a soft touch of a faint earthy hop in the back.
Delicious and drinkable.
ABV - 6.2 %
Cold Front Bock
Big Storm Brewing Co.
Clearwater, Odessa, and Orlando FL
This lager boasts rich toasted malt & caramel undertones and a very slight banana sweetness, along with a spicy edge (not quite clove)
Overall, the beer is a little bready and herbal, but in a good way. Rich and full bodied, with a pleasant mouthfeel.
It reminds one of the old Bock beers from the long ago forgotten era of the late 70’s / early 80’s, before the hop idiots got a hold of it.
ABV – 6.4 %
Yo Vanilla Porter
Beachside Brewpub
Ormond Beach FL
Excellent nose, malty with a hint of vanilla. Perfect amount of bubble for a porter. Mouthfeel is creamy and slightly rich. The right amount of vanilla flavor.
Very smooth finish. A perfect vanilla porter.
The low ABV makes it very drinkable.
ABV - 6 %
Einstock Toasted Porter
Einstock Brewing Co. Iceland
With notes of coffee and dark chocolate, this porter is roasty and rich, with a robust, yet smooth body. Toasted malts give it a sinister black color, but it has a crisp taste.
Lager malts, Munich malts, chocolate malt, Bavarian hops, with the slight addition of authentic Icelandic roasted coffee.
The mouth feel is slightly creamy mouthfeel with light carbonation.
It’s just a very good porter.
ABV – 6 %
If you have a beer that you would like to recommend, contact us. We'll see if we can get it on this page for you.
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Fun Facts About Beer
A jelly bean company called “Jelly Belly” recently introduced a ‘draft beer’ flavor that can be mixed with other jelly bean flavours to create a cocktail or shandy explosion in your mouth.
The Babylonians were one of the first cultures to start brewing beer. To keep the quality of the commercial brews up, a law was passed that if your beer was seen as unfit or inferior, you were sentenced to drown in it.
You can use beer as a conditioner. Apparently good quality brews will leave your locks silky and soft.
In the 1980s, a beer-drinking goat was elected mayor of Lajitas, TX.
At the Wife Carrying World Championships, held annually in Sonkajärvi, Finland since 1992, first prize is the wife’s weight in beer.